Week 01 - Welcome to 2024!
The Hotwire Weekly newsletter covers the latest articles, tools, libraries, and releases related to Hotwire, including Turbo 8 "Gotchas" and a new library Superglue and more!

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the first Hotwire Weekly issue of 2024! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and tools.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
8 Turbo 8 "Gotchas" - Brad Gessler shares eight Turbo 8 "Gotchas" on the Fly.io Ruby Dispatch blog.
My thoughts on using Turbo with Rails - Maciej Biel wrote about their thoughts about using Turbo with Rails, by explaining some concepts, what they like and what they don't like about the approach.
Drifting Ruby Episode #436: Turbo 8 - David Kimura shares a new Drifting Ruby episode about Turbo 8.
Daily Log code deep dive - Strada - Joe Masilotti shares another video about their new Daily Log Turbo Native app. This time a deep dive into how they are utilizing Strada.
Introducing Superglue - Johny Ho wrote an introduction blog post on the Thoughtbot blog about Superglue, their new library to build Rails + React frontends. At heart it's a Turbolinks 3 fork and built to be used with Rails. It's a very interesting take, which lies somewhere in the middle-ground between a full-on React frontend and full-on Hotwire application.
Hotwire Club: Sample Solutions for Challenge 4 and 5 - Julian Rubisch published the solutions for Challenge 4 and Challenge 5 of The Hotwire Club.
The AHA Stack - It's great to see more stacks embracing the HTML-over-the-wire approach, especially in JavaScript-land.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
stimulus-inline-input-validations - A Stimulus controller for validating form inputs and rendering their errors in a custom error element (demo video).
stimulus-sound - A Stimulus Controller to play and control sound.
🎉 Releases
shakapacker v7.2.1 - Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails.
turbo-laravel v2.0.0-beta3 - Set of conventions to make the most out of Hotwire in Laravel.
stimulus-rails v1.3.1 alongside v1.3.2 and v1.3.3 - Use Stimulus in your Ruby on Rails app.
stimulus-laravel v1.0.0-beta3 - Use Stimulus in your Laravel app.
importmap-rails v2.0.0 alongside v2.0.1 - Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bundling.
importmap-laravel v2.0.0 - Use ESM with import maps to manage modern JavaScript in Laravel without transpiling or bundling.
jsbundling-rails v1.2.2 - Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack.
view_component v3.9.0 - A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
tailwindcss-rails v2.2.0 - Tailwind CSS for Rails.
hotwire-livereload v1.3.1 - Live reload gem for Hotwire Rails apps.
turbo_power v0.6.1 - Power-pack for Turbo Streams.
turbo_power-rails v0.6.1 - Turbo Power for Rails.
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See you next year!