Week 07 - Turbo View Transitions, Hotwire Livestreams, and more!
The latest edition of Hotwire Weekly covers Turbo in Rails, including view transitions, flash notices, live streams, challenges, and upcoming releases.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Turbo View Transitions in Rails - Avi Flombaum published an article about integrating View Transitions with Turbo in a Ruby on Rails app.
Turbo Flash Notices - Avi Flombaum deployed a demo and article with different approaches implementing flash notices in Rails with Turbo.
Live Stream #9: Turbo 8, Live Components & Challenges in Morphing - Ryan Weaver did a livestream in which they discussed a lot of the new Turbo 8 features. The VOD is up on YouTube.
Digging into View Transitions with Turbo 8 and Rails - Andy Leverenz published a blog post and video on the View Transitions with Turbo 8 in Rails.
Livestream-series: Turbolist - Rebuilding Superlist.com in Rails/SQLite/Hotwire - Stephen Margheim announced that they are doing a Livestream-series over the next two weeks rebuilding Superlist.com in Rails and Hotwire. There are four parts already (part 1, 2, 3, 4) with new ones live on a daily basis.
Copy to clipboard with Stimulus using the Clipboard API - Stefan Botzenhart wrote an article about using the Clipboard API in Stimulus.
Hotwire Club Challenge 21: Turbo Drive - Conditional InstantClick - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about one of the new Turbo 8 features, InstaClick.
Turbo Native book on Pragmatic Bookshelf is coming soon - Joe Masilotti announced that they signed a book deal for their upcoming book "Turbo Native for Rails developers" with Pragmatic Bookshelf.
New Stimulus LSP features coming soon - Marco Roth announced a new features for the Stimulus LSP which are about to get released. Including Support for Node Modules, Tree View, Code Lenses, TypeScript files, and much more!
🧰 Libraries and Tools
stimulus-store - Ultra lightweight state management for your Stimulus-powered web applications.
Rails Designer - Professionally designed UI components to build your next Ruby on Rails app even faster.
🎉 Releases
turbo-rails v2.0.3 - Use Turbo in your Ruby on Rails app.
turbo_boost-elements v0.0.18 - Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost behaviors for Rails/Hotwire apps.
turbo_boost-streams v0.1.3 - Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams.
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See you next week!