Week 09 - Turbo Morph Debugging, ChatGPT Hotwire rebuild, and more!
This week's Hotwire Weekly: Turbo morphing debugging, Live Components, infinite scroll without app-specific JavaScript, and more!

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
How to debug issues with Turbo Morphing - Radan Skorić wrote an article on how you best approach and debug issues with Turbo's new morphing feature.
Live Components + Turbo Streams: Navigating a Turbo Frame - Ryan Weaver published an article on navigating Turbo Frames with Live Components and Turbo Streams in Symfony.
Infinite Scroll with Rails and Turbo - No JavaScript - Andy Leverenz published a blog post and video where they implement infinite scrolling with Rails and Turbo without any app-specific JavaScript.
How to add a skeleton UI to Rails with Turbo - Rails Designer published a blog post on adding Skeletons to Rails using Turbo Frames and ViewComponents.
Chartkick and Turbo Frames - elevating Rails visuals - Vitalii Elenhaupt wrote about using Chartkick and Turbo Frames for rendering graphs in Rails.
The simplest Turbo Frame example - David Boureau published a post in their Rails series about the most minimalistic Turbo Frame setup.
I'm loving Rails Stimulus; check out this example - Keith Schacht published a post on how they are using Stimulus to build more reusable controllers. In the post they talk about a transition
controller and show how they use it in a walkthrough-video.
Waitlist: Learn Hotwire by Building a Calendar - Andrea Fomera shared that the production for their new Hotwire video course started. I encourage you to sign up for the waitlist if you are interested in learning Hotwire by building a calendar using Rails, Tailwind, ActionMailbox, and Solid Queue.
LiveStream VOD: Turbo Morph Updates & Autocomplete morphing work - Ryan Weaver's livestream from this week on Turbo morphing is available on YouTube.
Hotwire Club Challenge 22: Turbo Frames - Inline Edit - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about inline-editing Turbo Frames.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
HostedGPT: ChatGPT rebuild using Rails and Hotwire - HostedCPT is a free, and open-source ChatCPT alternative built using the latest Ruby on Rails and Hotwire features. Check out the GitHub repo and the demo
universalid - Fast, recursive, optimized, URL-Safe serialization for any Ruby object.
🎉 Releases
turbo-android v7.1.0 - Android framework for making Turbo native apps.
strada-ios v1.0.0-beta2 - Create fully native iOS controls, driven by your web app.
strada-android v1.0.0-beta3 - Create fully native Android controls, driven by your web app.
morphlex v0.0.10 - Safe, fast, optimal DOM morphing written in TypeScript.
stimulus-parser v0.1.0 - Statically analyze Stimulus controllers in your project.
symfony-ux v2.16.0 - A JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony built on Stimulus.
rich-text-laravel v2.0.2 - Integrates the Trix Editor with Laravel.
view_component_reflex v3.3.2 - Use StimulusReflex in your ViewComponents.
hotwire_combobox v0.1.33 - v0.1.37 - An autocomplete combobox implementation for apps using Hotwire.
turbo_boost-commands v0.2.1 - Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.
turbo_boost-streams v0.1.11 - Take full control of the DOM with Turbo Streams.
turbo_boost-elements v0.0.19 - Pre-built easy to use reactive Turbo Boost elements for Rails/Hotwire apps.
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See you next week!