Week 11 - Turbo Morphing Deep Dive, Turbo Streaming Modals, and more!
Discover the latest Hotwire articles, libraries, tools, and releases in this edition of Hotwire Weekly!

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Turbo 8 morphing refreshes on Rails - David Colby is back with a Turbo-related deep dive to talk about the new Turbo 8 morphing feature.
Hotwire Your Buttons - Jonathan Greenberg wrote an article on the Flagrant blog about dynamically adding optimistic states to their <button>
Turbo Streaming Modals in Ruby on Rails - Ayush Newatia returns to AppSignal to continue the Hotwiring Accessible Modals in Ruby on Rails series.
How to add a loading animation to your Turbo Frame with TailwindCSS - Maciek Korsan wrote an article on the Arkency blog on how to add loading animations to Turbo Frames with Tailwind.
Flash Messages (notifications) in Rails Apps - Rails Designer published an article on how to add flash messages in Rails, and how you can use them with Turbo Streams.
Turbo Native live coding - Joe Masilotti did a live coding session on Turbo Native, the VOD is available on YouTube. This time they tackled setting up a new Turbo Native iOS and Android app and built a first component with Strada for both platforms.
Video-Series: Building ChatGPT with Ruby on Rails + Turbo + Tailwind - Roland Lopez started a video-series on building ChatGPT with Rails, Turbo, and Tailwind. So far, there are nine 5-9 minute videos.
Why You Really Don't Need SPA with Hotwire - Guillaume Briday held a presentiation in French (but the slides are available in English) at the Lyon.rb meetup on SPAs and Hotwire.
Hotwire Club Challenge 23: Hotwire Combobox with Real Time Data - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about the new Hotwire Combobox gem.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Swup.js - Versatile and extensible page transition library for server-rendered websites.
Current.js - Tiny library that allows you to access current <meta>
🎉 Releases
node-turbo v1.1.0 - Node.js helper library for Turbo.
anycable v1.5.0.rc.1 - AnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers.
anycable-rails v1.5.0.rc.1 - AnyCable for Ruby on Rails applications.
futurism v1.4.0 - Lazy-load Rails partials via CableReady.
phlex v1.9.1 - A framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby.
importmap-laravel v2.3.0 - Manage importmaps in Laravel.
rich-text-laravel v3.0.0 - Integrates the Trix Editor with Laravel.
stimulus_reflex v3.5.0.rc4 - Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.
turbo_boost-commands v0.2.2 - Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.
hotwire_combobox v0.1.41 - v0.1.43 - An autocomplete combobox implementation for apps using Hotwire.
tailwindcss-stimulus-components v5.0.0 - v5.0.2 - A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
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See you next week!