Week 12 - New Turbo Native Releases, sortable tables with Turbo 8, and more!
This edition of Hotwire Weekly covers the latest articles, tutorials, videos, libraries, tools, and releases in the Hotwire ecosystem.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Building a sortable table with Turbo 8's page refreshes - David Colby wrote an in-depth article about building a sortable table with Turbo 8 using page refreshes.
Rails Hotwire Inline Edit - Keith Schacht wrote an article and recorded a video about how they are using a pattern for inline-editing with Rails and Hotwire.
Stimulus Tutorial: Moving & Animating Todos - John Beatty explains how they managed to animate and move todos in a todo-app.
SupeRails #163: Turbo 8 Prefetch (InstantClick) - Yaroslav Shmarov uploaded a video and blog post about the Turbo 8 instaclick features.
Live Coding with Jose Farias - Hotwire Combobox Gem - Deanin hosted a livestream with Jose Farias where they paired on the Hotwire Combobox gem. The VOD is available on YouTube.
Video-Series: Building ChatGPT with Ruby on Rails + Turbo + Tailwind - Roland Lopez started a video-series on building ChatGPT with Rails, Turbo, and Tailwind. There are 11 videos so far.
New Stimulus Components documentation is live - Guillaume Briday shared that the new documentation for stimulus-components is live and that all components moved to the new @stimulus-components
namespace on NPM.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
stimulus-confetti - Add confetti to your Stimulus app.
class_variants - Easily configure styles and apply them as classes.
🎉 Releases
turbo-ios v7.1.0 - iOS framework for making Turbo native apps.
turbo-android v7.1.1 - Android framework for making Turbo native apps.
shakapacker v7.2.3 - Use webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails.
tailwindcss-stimulus-components v5.1.0 - A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
hotwire_combobox v0.2.0 - An autocomplete combobox implementation for apps using Hotwire.
proscenium v0.15.0 - Modern client-side development for Rails.
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See you next week!