Week 13 - Happy Easter!
Explore the latest Hotwire articles, tools, releases, and more in this Easter edition! 🌷🐰

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly: Easter Edition! 🐰🌷
Welcome to Hotwire Weekly! In this Easter edition, we're egg-cited to bring you a basket full of the freshest Hotwire articles.
Wishing you a joy-filled Easter surrounded by loved ones and filled with delightful discoveries! Happy reading! 🐣🌸
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Searching and filtering with Turbo 8 - David Colby published a new article about implementing search and filter features using Turbo 8 morphing. This is a continuation of his pervious post where he implemented sortable tables.
Turbo Native iOS and Android apps in 15 minutes - Joe Masilotti wrote an in-depth article/tutorial on how to get started with Turbo Native on both iOS and Android. If you are looking to get started with Turbo Native, this is the resource you are looking for!
Speeding Up Rails Assets Precompilation - Ariel Juodziukynas wrote an article and shared tips and tricks on how to speed up the precompilation step for the Rails Asset Pipeline.
HotwireCombobox is pretty damn slick - Justin Searls wrote about his experience with the hotwire_combobox gem and shares how he customized it using Tailwind CSS.
Considering Morphing or Turbo Frames - John Beatty shared an article where he's showing how and when to use Turbo Frames, Streams, and Morphs.
Hotwire Club Challenge 24: Optimistic UI with Turbo 8 Morphs - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about Optimistic UI in combination with Turbo 8.
Florida International University launches Hotwire course - Students at the Florida International University can now enroll in a Hotwire course to learn how to build Reactive Rails applications. It's super awesome to see that universities start to teach the HTML-over-the-wire approach!
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Rails Designer - Tailwind CSS Components for Rails.
Zest UI - UI components tailored for Rails.
Phlex UI - A UI component library, crafted precisely for Ruby devs.
🎉 Releases
turbo-ios v7.1.0 - iOS framework for making Turbo native apps.
turbo-android v7.1.1 and v7.1.2 - Android framework for making Turbo native apps.
turbo-laravel v2.0.0-beta5 - Use Turbo in your Laravel application.
hotwire_combobox v0.2.1 - An autocomplete combobox implementation for apps using Hotwire.
cubism v0.2.0 - Lightweight Resource-Based Presence Solution with CableReady.
hotwire-livereload v1.3.2 - Automatically reload Turbo when app files are modified.
tailwindcss-stimulus-components v5.1.0 - A set of StimulusJS components for TailwindCSS apps similar to Bootstrap JS components.
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See you next week!