Week 14 - Show Background Jobs Progress with Turbo, Form validation errors, and more!
This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles, releases, tutorials, and more in the world of Hotwire.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Showing Progress of Background Jobs with Turbo - Michał Łęcicki presented at the Warsaw Ruby Meetup in March and talked about showing and updating the progress of background jobs in real-time with Turbo. The video is available on YouTube.
Ruby on Rails Turbo App in 10 Minutes - Malachi published a video on building a Rails 7 app with Turbo. He shows how to create and broadcast posts in real-time.
Unexpected Ruby On Rails (Turbo) presentation at a meetup in Bangkok - Roland Lopez gave a spontanous talk at a meetup in Bangkok. He decided to talk about Turbo and packed up the talk in a VLOG-style video.
Top End Devs podcast: Rails/Hotwire and Bridgetown - Ayush Newatia joines the Top End Devs podcast to talk about Bridgetown, Hotwire and his The Rails and Hotwire Codex book.
Form Validation Errors with Rails Turbo Frames (modals) - Rails Designer wrote an article about utilizing Turbo Frames for rendering form validations errors in Rails forms.
Turbo Tutorial: Animated Deletions and Insertions - John Beatty shows how to animate deletions and insertions using Custom Turbo Stream Actions.
Live reload a Rails 7 application, an unsatisfying attempt - David Boureau wrote about live-reloading in a Rails 7 application and the problems he encountered while using it.
AnyCable + Hotwire.io Announcements at the San Franciso Ruby Meetup - Both Irina Nazarova and Marco Roth gave a short talk at the San Franciso Ruby Meetup at the GitHub HQ about AnyCable and Hotwire.io respectively. The video of the meetup alongside the other talks is now up on YouTube.
Using Turbo with the Laravel Stack - Tony Messias showcases how Turbo can be used with a Laravel application. The demo also shows a functional Turbo Native app utilizing Strada. It's super cool to see that Hotwire also works great in frameworks which aren't Rails!
Frontend Ruby with Glimmer DSL for Web - Andy Maleh gave a talk at the Montreal.rb Meetup about writing Frontend-Code with Ruby using Glimmer. The talk recording is now available on YouTube.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Stimulus Components - An open-source set of Stimulus controllers which solve common patterns.
Turbo Confirm - A drop-in upgrade for Rails data-turbo-confirm
🎉 Releases
anycable v1.5.0 - AnyCable is a polyglot replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers.
anycable-rails v1.5.0 and v1.5.1 - AnyCable for Ruby on Rails applications.
phlex 1.10.0 - A framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby.
phlex-rails v1.2.0 and v1.2.1 - An object-oriented alternative to ActionView for Ruby on Rails.
turbo-confirm v2.0.0 - A drop-in upgrade for Rails data-turbo-confirm
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See you next week!