Week 24 - Using React with Hotwire, Refreshing Turbo Frames, and more!
This edition of Hotwire Weekly covers articles, tools, and releases related to integrating Hotwire with modern JS frameworks and more.
Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles, videos, and releases.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
The art of Turbo Mount: Hotwire meets modern JS frameworks - Svyatoslav Kryukov published a blog post on the Evil Martians Blog where he talks about his package turbo-mount
. Turbo Mount allows to use React, Vue, Svelte, and other components with Hotwire.
How to refresh the full page when submitting a form inside a Turbo Frame? - Radan Skorić published a blog post where he is talking about refreshing a full page when submitting a form inside a Turbo Frame.
Add GPT-4o To Your Rails 7 app: Get started with Turbo Streams - Luigi Rojas published a blog post on the Telos Labs Blog where he talks about adding GPT-4o to a Rails app by using Turbo Streams.
Implementing dark mode with Stimulus - Josef Strzibny published a blog post where he implements a dark mode using Stimulus.
How we build, release and maintain frontend packages - Farhan CK published a post on the BigBinary Blog where he talks about how they are building and managing frontend packages.
Modal Dark Mode and Form Field Components - Ken Greeff published a video where he implements a dark mode and form field components for his app Clipflow.
How Layouts Work in Rails - Rails Designer published a blog post in which they talk about how view layouts in Rails applications work.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
hotwire-dev-tools - Browser Extension for Turbo and Stimulus. Available for Firefox, Chrome, and now for Safari too.
kommandant - A command palette implementation for Rails using Hotwire and Meilisearch.
🎉 Releases
turbo-laravel v2.0.1 - Turbo for Laravel applications.
turbo_boost-commands v0.3.2 - Commands to help you build robust reactive applications with Rails & Hotwire.
turbo-mount v0.3.1 - Use React, Vue, Svelte, and other components with Hotwire.
hotwire-dev-tools v0.2.1 - Browser Extension for Turbo and Stimulus.
anycable v1.5.1 - Fast replacement for ActionCable-compatible servers.
anycable-core v1.5.1 - AnyCable core RPC implementation not depenending on a particular server type.
view_component_reflex v3.3.4 - Use StimulusRelex in ViewComponents.
symfony/ux v2.18.1 - Symfony UX initiative: a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony.
@github/relative-time-element v4.4.2 - Web component extensions to the standard <time>
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See you next week!