Week 30 - Inline Saving, Stimulus Image Gallery, and more!
Stay up to date with the latest Hotwire articles, tutorials, libraries, and tools in this edition of Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and videos.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Turbo Streaming AKA Broadcasting over Web Socket explained - Arkency published a new video on their YouTube channel in which they explain how the broadcasting of Turbo Streams over web sockets works.
Inline Save and Add Another with Rails and Hotwire - Rails Designer shows how to implement a Todoist-style task creation feature in Rails using Hotwire.
How to build an image gallery in Rails with Stimulus - Hrishi Mittal published a tutorial in which he explains how to build an image gallery in Ruby on Rails using Stimulus. He also published a video alongside it.
How to use Stimulus in your Rails apps with RubyMine - Darya Sharkova published a blog post on the RubyMine blog in which they explain how to integrate Stimulus into a Rails applications using the RubyMine IDE.
Video: A Mobile-Friendly Sub Navigation Component in Ruby on Rails, Stimulus, and TailwindCSS - Brian Casel published a video in which he creates a responsive sub-navigation component for a Rails app with a single component that converts to a dropdown on mobile, using Stimulus for dynamic interactions.
Slides from "Borrowing Concepts from React to Build Dynamic Forms in Rails" - James Kerr published his slides form the SF Ruby meetup where he presented his talk "Borrowing Concepts from React to Build Dynamic Forms in Rails". He posted the recording of the live demo on Twitter/X and published the repo on GitHub.
Slides from "Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era" talk - Marco Roth shared his slides from his "Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era" talk at RedDotRubyConf 2024.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Phlex UI - A UI component library, crafted precisely for Ruby devs.
current.js - A library to access current <meta>
🎉 Releases
node-turbo v1.2.0 - Turbo for Node.js applications.
shadcn-rails v0.0.14 and v0.0.15 - Shadcn UI for Rails. Customizable components that you can copy and paste into your apps.
tailwindcss-rails v2.6.4 - Integrate Tailwind CSS with the asset pipeline in Rails.
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See you next week!