Week 31 - Minesweeper Multiplayer in Hotwire, Kanban Board, and more!
This week in Hotwire: Multiplayer game, Open-Closed Principle, real-time database updates, Kanban boards, Ruby gems, and more!
Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and videos.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Exercise: Multiplayer Minesweeper with Rails and Hotwire - Radan Skorić demonstrates how to build a multiplayer Minesweeper game using Rails and Hotwire. The tutorial covers setting up real-time board updates, handling concurrent player actions, and ensuring game resilience with a robust data model.
Better Stimulus: Open-Closed Principle - Julian Rubisch published a new article on Better Stimulus in which he talks about the Open-Closed Principle in the context of Stimulus.
Broadcasting real-time database changes on a budget - Justin Searls shares how to broadcast real-time updates using Turbo and Stimulus, ActionCable, and JSONB columns in Rails. The approach focuses on efficient, cost-effective methods for keeping user data in sync across devices without heavy infrastructure.
Drifting Ruby: Kanban from Scratch - David Kimura published a comprehensive guide to building a Kanban board from scratch using Rails and Hotwire. The episode covers setting up columns, adding cards, and implementing drag-and-drop functionality to enhance task management.
Hotwire Club: Stimulus - Removing Markers from a Wavesurfer Element - Julian Rubisch published a new challange for The Hotwire Club about removing markers from a Wavesurfer music player using Stimulus.
Slides from "Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era" talk - Marco Roth shared his slides from his "Developer Tooling For The Modern Hotwire & Rails Era" talk at Madison Ruby 2024.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
marten-turbo - Turbo Helpers for the Marten Crystal web framework.
Railsboot UI - Rails View Components for Bootstrap, built using Stimulus.
🎉 Releases
hot-glue v0.6.3.3 - Simple, plug & play Rails scaffold building companion for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire.
cssbundling-rails v1.4.1 - Bundle and process CSS with Tailwind, Bootstrap, PostCSS, Sass in Rails via Node.js.
jsbundling-rails v1.3.1 - Bundle and transpile JavaScript in Rails with esbuild, rollup.js, or Webpack.
dartsass-rails v0.5.1 - Integrate Dart Sass with the asset pipeline in Rails.
sprockets-rails v3.5.2 - Sprockets for the Rails Asset Pipeline.
tailwindcss-rails v2.6.5 - Integrate Tailwind CSS with the asset pipeline in Rails.
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See you next week!