Week 35 - New Hotwire Course, Hotwire for the Terminal, and more!
Hotwire Weekly covers new Hotwire articles, tutorials, and tools, as well as releases of libraries and tools for Hotwire.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and videos.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
The Hello Hotwire course is live! - Andy Leverenz announced the launch of his new Hello Hotwire course - a successor course to Hello Rails. Hello Hotwire is a free course with premium build-along modules for developers looking to dive into Hotwire using Ruby on Rails with a fresh perspective.
Nested Forms With Turbo (without dependencies) - Rails Designer explains how to create nested forms in Ruby on Rails using Turbo, eliminating the need for third-party dependencies. It provides a step-by-step guide to building a survey application where users can add multiple questions dynamically.
How to save a recently viewed list of pages with Stimulus and localStorage - Simon Chiu provides a step-by-step guide on how to implement a "recently viewed" list of pages in Rails using Stimulus and localStorage
. It explains how to store and retrieve the list of recently viewed pages in the user's browser, and how to dynamically update the list with Stimulus.
Launch a Turbo Modal with URL Params Using Stimulus - Rails Designer published an article which explains how to trigger actions when a Turbo Frame loads in Rails. It demonstrates methods to detect the loading of a Turbo Frame using JavaScript, specifically focusing on leveraging Stimulus controllers to handle these events efficiently.
Terminalwire - Ship a CLI for your web app. No API required. - Brad Gessler published a demo video for Terminalwire. He showcases how the principles of Hotwire, typically used in web applications, can be adapted for command-line interfaces.
Structure Your ERb and Partials for more Maintainable Front-end Code in Rails - This article by Garrett Dimon explains how to effectively structure ERB partials and helpers in Rails for maintainable front-end code. It explores approaches like "HTML-centric ERB" and "element-centric ERB" to balance flexibility and simplicity.
Livestream Recordings: Building a Planning Poker app using Rails, Hotwire, and Tailwind - Carl Weiss live-streamed himself building a Planning Poker in two sessions using Rails and Hotwire. The recordings (Part 1 and Part 2) are available on his YouTube channel.
Hotwire Club: Turbo Frames - Render Flash Messages Upon Form Submission - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about rendering Flash Messages in the context of form submissions.
Better Stimulus: Form Submits - Julian Rubisch added a new entry to Better Stimulus which focuses on handling form submissions using Turbo.
Using Turbo in Your Rails Apps with RubyMine - JetBrains published a video version of their blog post.
Mention users with Tribute.js - Yaroslav Shmarov published a video version of his article.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
constraint_validations - Integrate ActiveModel::Validations, ActionView, and Browser-provided Constraint Validation API.
🎉 Releases
strada-android v1.0.0-beta4 - Create fully native Android controls, driven by your web app.
hotwire-dev-tools v0.2.4 - Browser Dev Tools for Turbo and Stimulus.
hotwire_combobox v0.3.2 - An accessible autocomplete for Ruby on Rails apps using Hotwire.
shakapacker v8.0.2 - Use Webpack to manage JavaScript modules in Rails.
anycable-go v1.5.3 - AnyCable-Go WebSocket Server.
view_component v3.14.0 - A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
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See you next week!