Week 41 - Celebrating 1 Year of Hotwire Weekly! 🎉
Celebrating one year of Hotwire Weekly with reflections and requests for your feedback!

Celebrating 1 Year of Hotwire Weekly! 🎉
Welcome to the 1-year anniversary issue of Hotwire Weekly! It’s been one year since we launched Hotwire Weekly! With 52 editions, we’ve delivered the latest Hotwire content every week for the last year.
While the concept hasn’t changed much, now feels like the perfect time to reflect on how the newsletter is going and what could improve.
We Want Your Feedback!
We’d love to hear your overall thoughts on Hotwire Weekly! Is the newsletter useful for you? Are the sections too long, too short, or just right? Should anything change, or stay the same?
Is there anything you’d like to see more of, less of, or done differently? Feel free to share any suggestions, ideas, or feedback you have for improving the newsletter.
We’ve included some questions at the end of this newsletter (in the email-version only) for sharing your thoughts. You can also reply directly to this email or reach out to us on social media if you prefer. Your input helps shape the future of Hotwire Weekly! Thanks!
Thank You for Your Support!
As we celebrate the 1-year anniversary of Hotwire Weekly, we want to take a moment to thank you for your support along the way.
Your readership has helped us grow to 1,500+ active subscribers, and we’re excited to continue delivering Hotwire content for another great year. We’re committed to evolving and improving the newsletter, and we look forward to having you with us on this journey for what's next in the world of Hotwire! Thank you! 🙏🏼🙌🏼
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Turbo Native is dead, long live Hotwire Native! - Joe Masilotti is back after a well deserved break and announces the retirement of Turbo Native, replaced by Hotwire Native, which merges Turbo Native and Strada into a unified package, and shares some updates regarding his book! Welcome back, Joe! We’re excited to see you continuing your journey with Hotwire!
How CDNs Work (Propshaft / Static Assets) - The article by Jon Sully on Judoscale explores how to leverage CDNs with Propshaft in Rails for optimized static asset delivery. It explains two approaches: "Pull CDN," where assets are fetched and cached on a subdomain like cdn.example.com
, and "Reverse Proxy CDN," where the CDN intercepts all requests, serving static content directly.
A Deep Dive into Propshaft and Importmaps in Ruby on Rails 8 - The article by Chetan Mittal dives into how Propshaft and Importmaps are integrated into Rails 8. It explains Propshaft’s role in managing assets more efficiently compared to older pipelines like Sprockets, focusing on simplicity and speed. The post also covers how Importmaps help developers manage JavaScript dependencies without using bundlers.
Smooth Transitions with Turbo Streams - This article by Rails Designer explains how to add smooth transitions to Turbo Streams when elements are added or removed from the DOM. It involves creating a helper to allow passing data attributes to Turbo Streams and using JavaScript to manage animations with the el-transition
YouTube Playlist: Turbo Native - Build mobile apps with Ruby on Rails - Yaroslav Shmarov added some new videos to the Turbo Native Playlist on YouTube in the last week. Check out the series on YouTube. Even though Hotwire Native just got released, all of these ideas and concept still apply to Hotwire Native.
Inertia.js 2.0 beta released! - The Inertia Team just released the 2.0 pre-release for Inertia.js v2.0. There's also a work-in-progress version by Svyatoslav Kryukov to make it compatible with inertia-rails
Hotwire Club: Turbo Frames - Markdown Preview - Julian Rubisch published a new challange for The Hotwire Club about building Markdown typeahead previews by rerendering Turbo Frames.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
hotwire-dev-tools - Browser Dev Tools for Turbo and Stimulus. Available for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.
Stimulus LSP - Intelligent Stimulus tooling for Visual Studio Code, Neovim, Zed, and more.
🎉 Releases
node-turbo v1.2.2 - A library for Node.js to assist with the server side of the Turbo framework.
importmap-rails v2.0.3 - Use ESM with importmap to manage modern JavaScript in Rails without transpiling or bundling.
view_component v3.17.0 - A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
tailwindcss-rails v2.7.8 and v2.7.9 - Tailwind CSS for Rails.
hot-glue v0.6.5 - Simple, plug & play Rails scaffold building companion for Turbo Rails and Hotwire.
proscenium v0.16.0 - A modern way to manage your frontend in Rails.
vite_ruby v3.8.3 and v3.9.0 - Use Vite.js in Ruby applications.
anycable-rails v1.5.4 - AnyCable integration for Rails.
inertia_rails-contrib v0.2.2 - A collection of extensions and developer tools for Rails Inertia adapter.
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See you next week!