Week 45 - Bridged Strada components, AnyCable goes serverless, and more.
Hotwire Weekly: RubyConf, Strada bridged components, Basecamp project stacks, Turbo Morph, typeahead search challenge, AnyCable, DIY PaaS, and new releases.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to another issue of Hotwire Weekly! RubyConf is happening in San Diego next week. Come find Marco Roth if you want to hack on anything Hotwire-related!
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Strada bridged components with TailwindCSS - Artur Roszczyk is following up after their conditional styles article from last week with how you can use bridged Strada components with Tailwind.
Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire - Nicklas Ramhöj Holtryd wrote about how they build the project stacks with Hotwire for Basecamp.
Turbo Morph & ActiveRecord Encryption with Jorge Manrubia - Jorge Manrubia joins Remote Ruby to talk about Turbo Morph.
Challenge 15: Turbo Frames - Typeahead Search - Julian Rubisch published a new challenge for The Hotwire Club about typeahead search.
Using AnyCable to power serverless JavaScript applications - The AnyCable team added documentation on how to deploy and run AnyCable in a serverless JavaScript context.
DIY PaaS: serverless real-time with one command - Irina Nazarova wrote about real-time serverless with one command.
Andrea Rocca open-sourced the repositories on GitHub for Recipe #21 (Searchable Dropdown) and #22 (Drag and drop Kanban Board) from the Hotwire Cookbook.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
anycable-serverless-js - AnyCable channels API for serverless.
turbo_component - Reactive components for Rails using Turbo and Stimulus.
turbo-view-transitions - View Transitions API for Turbo.
🎉 Releases
Here are the newest releases in our ecosystem.
actionview_attribute_builders v0.1.2 and v0.1.3 - Use Rails' attribute building capabilities to create custom form input elements.
symfony/ux v2.13.0 and v2.13.1 - Symfony UX initiative: a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony.
django-turbo-response v1.0.1 and v1.0.2 - Hotwired/Turbo Django response helpers.
cable_ready v5.0.2 - Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time.
proscenium v0.12.0 - Modern client-side development for Rails.
hot-glue v0.6.0.1 - Rapid scaffold builder for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire.
importmap-laravel v1.7.0 - Use ESM with import maps to manage modern JavaScript in Laravel without transpiling or bundling.
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See you next week!