Week 46 - Using Hotwire in NestJS, Mustache.js with Stimulus and more!
The edition covers Hotwire articles, tools, and releases, including topics like using Hotwire in NestJS, Mustache.js with Stimulus, and Turbo Drive and Frames.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and tools.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Kicking the tires with NestJS and Hotwire: Part II - Mike Rispoli released a second part to the series where they explore how to use Hotwire in NestJS. The previous part of the series can be found here.
HTML templating with Mustache.js and Stimulus - Daniel Bengl published a blog post to illustrate how to use Mustache.js templating with Stimulus.
Toast alerts with Turbo, Stimulus and Shoelace in Rails - Joseph Izaguirre explains how to display Toast alerts using Shoelace, even in a Turbo Native app.
How Hotwire Transforms Web Development: A Deep Dive into Turbo Drive and Turbo Frames - Naomi Yocum provides a breakdown of Turbo Drive and Frames, complete with helpful illustrations.
Bulk Operations with Turbo - Tony Messias released a video on how to implement Bulk operations with Turbo based on their previous blog post on the topic.
Andrea Rocca, Hotwire Cookbook, Rails UI, and flying foxes - Andrea Rocca joins the Friendly Show podcast to talk about the Hotwire Cookbook, among other things.
SupeRails #151 Advanced Hotwire modals - Yaro Shmarov released SupeRails episode 151 in which they talk about advanced Hotwire modals based on this blog post.
SupeRails #152 Custom Turbo Streams - Yaro Shmarov also released SupeRails episode 152 in which they talk about how and why you want to use Custom Turbo Stream actions. The video is based on this blog post.
30 Days with LAST Stack - Ryan Weaver is launching the LAST stack (Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo) tutorial on December 1st. In preparation they shared videos for showcasing Simple, reusable, beautiful modals and datatables using Turbo and Stimulus.
Turbo Native crash course - Joe Masilotti is hosting another edition of the popular Turbo Native iOS crash course on December 5th.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Universal ID - Universal ID is a Ruby library that specializes in the serialization of Ruby objects to URL-safe strings.
Crystal asset_pipeline - An asset pipeline Crystal Shard built for handling images, CSS and JavaScript assets in Amber applications, similar to Sprockets in Rails.
RERB - An experimental library to use ERB to build DOMs in ruby.wasm.
🎉 Releases
turbo-android v7.0.2 - Android framework for making Turbo native apps.
requestjs-rails v0.0.11 - A tiny Rails-aware fetch
API wrapper.
cable_ready v5.0.3 - Use simple commands on the server to control client browsers in real-time.
vite_ruby v3.4.0 and v3.5.0 - Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience.
symfony/ux v2.13.2 - Symfony UX initiative: a JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony.
stimulus-parser v0.0.12 - Statically analyze Stimulus controllers in your project.
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See you next week!