Week 48 - Turbo devtools, Turbo without Rails, LAST stack tutorial series, and more!
New Turbo crash course curriculum, Turbo frames without Rails, drag and drop sorting in Rails, LAST Stack tutorial series and more.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and tools.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Announcing: Crash Course on Turbo (Hotwire) Framework - Akshay Khot announced a new crash course curriculum for Turbo which you can access for free on their courses site.
Demo of Turbo 8 page refreshes with morphing - Jorge Manrubia published a new demo video to showcase the new morph features coming to Turbo 8. The code for the demo can be found in the GitHub repository.
Turbo 8 in 8 minutes - Brad Gessler shares an introduction to Turbo 8 in 8 minutes (or 2 minutes 😉) on the Fly.io Ruby Dispatch.
Using Turbo Frames and Streams without Rails - Radan Skorić dives into understanding how Turbo frames and streams really work. They build a Turbo-enabled application using vanilla Sinatra without Rails or the turbo-rails gem.
Quick drag and drop sorting with Rails using Stimulus and Shopify's Draggable - CJ Avilla wrote about implementing drag and drop in Rails using Stimulus and the Draggable library.
Enhancing Ruby on Rails with Hotwire: Turbo, Stimulus, and Strada for Efficiency - Yaroslav Shmarov joins the Ruby Rogues podcast to talk about Hotwire.
30 Days with LAST Stack Tutorial - The LAST Stack (Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo) tutorial series on SymfonyCasts releases a new video each day in December and is free until Jan 15th 2024. It features videos on AssetMapper, Turbo, Stimulus and Twig/Live components.
AssetMapper is the newly released package that ships with the recently released Symfony 6.4 and 7 versions.
The AssetMapper package ships zero-build asset management in Symfony. If you are familiar with Propshaft/Importmaps in Rails, this is very similar.
The Symfony UX initiative even packages Turbo and Stimulus in a delightful way so you easily use them in Symfony. I think it's awesome to see that other backend frameworks, like Symfony, follow a very similar path to Rails in this regard.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
Turbo Devtools - Easily locate turbo-frames with this simple developer tools extension for Turbo Frames.
TurboBoost Devtools - Devtools for the Hotwire/Turbo ecosystem.
🎉 Releases
phlex-rails v1.1.1 - An object-oriented alternative to ActionView for Ruby on Rails.
view_component v3.8.0 - A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on Rails.
turbo_power-rails v0.6.0 - Power-pack for Turbo Streams.
hot-glue v0.6.2 - Scaffold builder for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire.
Symfony UX v2.13.3 (+plugins) - A JavaScript ecosystem for Symfony.
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See you next week!