Week 50 - Turbo 8 deep dive, Hotwire history, new Turbo native apps!
This edition covers a deep dive into Turbo 8 morphing, the history of AJAX, Turbolinks, and Hotwire, LiteCable for Ruby on Rails, and new releases.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to another issue of Hotwire Weekly! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and tools.
Happy reading! 🚀✨
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Turbo 8 morphing deep dive - how does it work? - Radan Skorić shares an articles where he dives deep into how the morphing feature in Turbo 8 works.
How did we go from AJAX to Turbolinks to Hotwire? A brief web history - Bhumi writes about the history of AJAX, Turbolinks and Hotwire. She recently also published the newsletter archive for the "One Ruby Question" newsletter where you can find older articles on the topic, like What is StimulusJS?, What is Alpine and how does it compare to Stimulus?, and more.
Stream Updates to Your Users with LiteCable for Ruby on Rails - Julian Rubisch published a new article on the App Signal blog about using LiteCable to broadcast WebSockets updates.
Idea to App Store in 7 days - Joe Masilotti wrote about how he got his new Daily Log app built using Rails + Turbo Native app into the App Store.
1500cals iOS App Launched - Miles Woodroffe shared that he launched a TestFlight-Beta for his new Rails + Turbo Native app called 1500cals.
Slides: Hands on with LiveComponents, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo - Ryan Weaver published the slides from his SymfonyCon talk titled "Hands on with LiveComponents, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo".
30 Days with LAST Stack Tutorial - The LAST Stack (Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo) tutorial series on SymfonyCasts releases a new video each day in December and is free until Jan 15th 2024. This week they released new videos about Popovers, Auto-submitting forms, Data Tables with Turbo Frames, View Transitions, Toasts, and more.
🧰 Libraries and Tools
stimulus-zod-form - Client-side form validations with Zod for Stimulus.
formulus - Client-side HTML form validations based on the browser HTML Form Validation API.
🎉 Releases
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See you next week!