Week 52 - Happy New Year!
The last issue of Hotwire Weekly for 2023 covers the latest Hotwire articles, tools, and releases.

Welcome to Hotwire Weekly!
Welcome to the last Hotwire Weekly issue of 2023! This edition covers the latest Hotwire articles and tools.
Happy reading and a Happy New Year! 🎉🥂
📚 Articles, Tutorials, and Videos
Coming to grips with JS - A Rubyist's deep dive - Felipe Vogel shares some resources about how and why they are systematically learning JavaScript.
SupeRails #156: Turbo 8 Morphing in real life - Yaro Shmarov released a new SupeRails video about the Turbo 8 Morphing features based on his previous blog post.
Digging into Turbo 8's Morphing Feature in Ruby on Rails - Andy Leverenz published a new video alongside a blog post digging into the Turbo 8 Morphing feature.
Turbo 8 Page Refreshes (+ Morphing) Explained at Length - Jon Sully published an in-depth blog post about the Turbo 8 page refreshes and morphing.
1500cals in the iOS App Store! - Miles Woodroffe's Turbo Native app 1500cals hit the app store! Congratulations!
IndieRails #24: Ayush Newatia Unplugged - Writing Code and Writing Prose - Ayush Newatia joins the IndieRails podcast to talk about The Rails and Hotwire Codex amongst other things.
30 Days with LAST Stack Tutorial - The LAST Stack (Live Components, AssetMapper, Stimulus & Turbo) tutorial series on SymfonyCasts releases a new video each day in December and is free until Jan 15th 2024. This week they released new videos about Modal Component, Twig Components, Live Components, and more,
🧰 Libraries and Tools
stimulus-glow - Stimulus controller for a mouse-tracing glow effect.
stimulus-transition - Enter/Leave transition for Stimulus, inspired by the Vue/Alpine syntax.
🎉 Releases
shakapacker v7.2.0 - Use Webpack to manage app-like JavaScript modules in Rails.
kredis v1.7.0 along with v1.6.1 - Higher-level data structures built on Redis.
hotwired-laravel v2.0.0-beta2 - Use Hotwire in Laravel.
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See you next year!